[P3D] V4 - Aerosoft A318 A319 - A320 A321 Professional Money Hack
LINK === https://fancli.com/2t9DT7
Well maybe I can get it when the airbus is released for Xplane and maybe Aerosoft will release the p3d v4 version of p3d once aerosoft have addressed the major sim cockpit issues...im getting bored with this already I have waited 5 years for a planesim I cant and wont wait another 5 for a p3d v4 version of p3d, I have been enjoying Xplane and its scenery enough...
Its bad enough having to wait 5 years for a new aircraft and then being stuck with out of date paint schemes and textures, but now I have to wait another 5 years for a new version of P3D, v4 or v3.5 for that matter, I mean come on Aerosoft if your going to do the new airbus you have to do it in P3Dv4, why are you still releasing the old version?
Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but Ive been a flight simmer since they first came out and I would rather spend my money on learning new things than upgrading my flight sim experience 5 years down the line I'm just glad to see a update from the actual developers and not just a bunch of graphic artists..
I guess I'll just have to stick to P3D and Xplane and the latest and most current versions of the two so that I can have the latest and fastest updates to my aircraft and more importantly new and better scenery as before I wont be buying the latest and greatest releases without being able to fly them and see them first (except for the new airbus, but I'll have to fly the new version to check it out first).
As a professional pilot myself I have had to turn away from using P3D because of aerodynamics and flight control problems that dont exist in FSX or X-plane. I have flown P3Dv3 and X-plane and both have great flight sim experience and professional developers, P3D doesnt seem to have many of the bugs that X-plane has and I have never had a Aerosoft product crash or lock up. I can tell you that with X-plane or FSX you have to tweak and fiddle to get the plane to fly. The flybar is a joke, the flybar isnt shown correctly in the airbrakes, the flybar doesnt follow you into the stall and it doesnt allow you to increase or decrease the number of speed brakes in a proper way. You cant have more than 3 speed brakes, you cant select the side of the aircraft you would like to have speed brakes, you cant increase or decrease the speed brakes in a proper way, you can only move the front brakes, so you dont have any rotation speedbrakes, just a few front speed brakes. So when you are stuck in the stall just press the flaps button like a muppet, or if you have a multi engine aircraft pull up or byzantium roll. As to the flight control system, in X-plane or FSX the flight control system can be a pain to fly and the stiff flight control wings are horrible. In P3Dv3 and now P3Dv4 you have great flight control wings that are soft. Just fiddle with them and remember that you cant just move the speed brake pedals and you cant rotate the flight control in a proper way, you can only move the front speed brakes, which isnt a proper way of flying, so if you want to fly properly you have to pull off all the flight control on the ground and just fly with the flybar. For the flight control laws, you have to fiddle them in a way that doesnt make sense, rather it is a case of 'fiddling with the farkle knobs'. You have to adjust the flaps and speed brakes for perfect flight. P3D is amazing when it works, and it does work, there are just a lot of stability and flight control problems. 827ec27edc